SSC Jenn's Tutoring

Tutoring Appointment Requests

This section allows you to request an appointment for a live tutoring session via Zoom.

You can connect to Zoom using your computer, smart phone, or tablet. You will need a working microphone and speakers or earphones. Please test your system before your scheduled appointment time.

If your computer does not support sound, you may use the call-in number with your phone for the audio portion of the appointment. You will still need to connect with a computer or other device to see the screen sharing content.

Connect by following the link in the email sent to you with your appointment information. If you will be using a smart phone or tablet please download the Zoom app from your app store.

Please arrive on time for your appointment. I will hold an appointment open for 15 minutes waiting for you to arrive. If you haven't joined the session or contacted me by then I will end the session and consider it a no show.

Appointments last 25 minutes. You may book up to 1 appointment per calendar week.

If you feel that you need extra time, please contact me so that we can discuss your needs.

You MUST use your Seminole State email address to request an appointment online.

Agree and Continue